Dealing With Sore Muscles
The Science Behind Deer Antler Spray
5 essential questions to ask before you sign a gym lease #gym #gymlease #gymlife #deerantlerspray #fitness
— Deer Antler Spray (@DeerAntlerGNC) July 28, 2014
Deer Antler Spray Helps Build Muscle and Recover Faster Then Any Other Supplement On The Market. Available In All GNC Stores and Vitamin World.
5 essential questions to ask before you sign a gym lease #gym #gymlease #gymlife #deerantlerspray #fitness
— Deer Antler Spray (@DeerAntlerGNC) July 28, 2014
We want to know. Would you rather workout from home or at the gym? Deer Antler Spray can help you no matter where you are! It increases endurance and muscle build!
Have you injured a muscle recently and and it just wont heal back to normal? Deer Antler Spray can help you recover and build muscle while you recover!
We want to know. How many days a week do you work out? Did you know that Deer Antler Spray can get you better results faster
We want to know. How many days a week do you work out? Did you know that Deer Antler Spray can get you better results faster?
Deer Antler Spray in a natural supplement that will enhance and maximize your performance. Deer Antler Spray is made form the velvet extract from male deer antlers. Its the same hormone that causes deers antlers to grow at such a rapid rate.
IGF-1 (insulin growth factor-1) is a growth hormone that is produced in the human body and interacts with human growth hormone (HGH). It is naturally occurring. This is the same hormone that causes deer to grow antlers every year at a rapid rate. Deer Antler Spray will boost your IGF-1 levels naturally!
The IGF-1 found in Deer Antler Spray is derived from deer antler velvet, the tissue found inside the deer’s antlers before they fully harden. Since deer antlers grow incredibly fast, it is not surprising that the horns are rich in IGF-1.
Deer antler velvet has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, often prescribed to improve kidney function, promote blood flow, and to treat a variety of diseases.
Deer Antler Spray has been proven to increase recovery rate and to increase endurance! It will also help you build muscle!
Some of the benefits of Deer Antler Spray include:
Promotes healthy, flexible joints.
Helps in supporting weight loss regiments.
Speeds up healing of muscle tears after hard training.
Supports and helps maintain a healthy immune system.
The Best Of Deer Antler Spray, a set on Flickr.
The best of Deer Antler Spray
Deer Antler on Flickr.
Enhance and maximize your performance with Deer Antler Spray! #deerantlerspray #buildmuscle #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #supplements #availableatGNC #ripped #workout #workingout #increasestrength #muscle
Time on the Injured List Is Inevitable when it happens or you pull or tear a muscle luckily Deer Antler Spray is a major help in recovery
To keep your muscles charged and recovering you need Deer Antler Spray
Insulin regulates metabolism in the body, and IGF or Insulin-like Growth Factor regulates cell growth and body size,
IGF that is circulating in the blood is made by the liver, and growth hormone drives the expression and production of IGF. Every cell in the body will respond to IGF-1 by growing and recovering faster.
A deer’s antlers grow faster than the body itself, because of the presence of IGF-1. IGF-1 is attractive to competitive athletes in every arena for these reasons.
Elite athletes,use +Deer Antler Spray GNC IGF-1 by spraying it under their tongues, where membranes are more permeable to allow for absorption into the bloodstream
Deer Antler Spray increases testosterone levels, muscle mass and strength through anabolic effects. Because the effects increase muscle and nerve strength, this can assist in recovery from injury and surgery.
Try yours today sold in GNC Live Well stores nationwide and Vitamin World